Anger is Energy

Harness Yours

Governments, Religions, and Industries have advanced society in different ways. Few among us dare to question How or Why, permitting their Systems of Control turn free-spirited, fun-loving citizens into death-dealing warriors or fleshy, little cogs for Their money-making machines.

When these Systems of Control collaborate, as the Allied Governments and Industries did to defeat Hitler, we reset the High Score for Humanity in the Game of Life.

When these Systems of Control compete, we pay for conflicts between Governments, Religions, and Industries with our money and our lives. Ignore those TILT warnings and it's GAME OVER.

We, the People can change the game by challenging this Status Quo.

Artists advance society, yet they avoid Systems of Control like the plague. When inspiration strikes, they create without seeking permission from any administration. Trusting their instincts, they execute, shifting the paradigm with new forms and genres, expanding the awareness of man. 

Beat Poets. Gonzo Journalists. Punk Rockers. Hip Hoppers. Established artists continually expand their circles, welcoming and collaborating with new authors, musicians, actors, and artists. We, the People are rewarded with more means of expression, entertainment, and ways to share our stories.

Systems of Control favor the folks that run them at the expense of those they serve. Politicians, zealots, and rapacious capitalists engage us in Their perpetual wars and separate us from the fruits of our labor.

Had Enough?

Imagine how beautiful this world would be if Artists ran the show

ActiveARTistS can save the world! 

Join the Rebellion

It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometimeWhat better place than here, what better time than now? — Zack De La Rocha